• 4 Health PUPPY.
      • Feed 1c 2x Daily (Morning and Evening)
      • Put Puppy Pad in Frame inside Crate for the first 2 weeks
      • A Chew Toy is Fine (No Rawhide, Ever, at any age
      • Stuffed Animal or blanket is nice
      • Feed Outside the Crate and let puppy play for 10-15 minutes
      • Whether or not s/he needs it, no later than 15-20 minutes after eating, walk puppy outdoors on a leash. Puppy will soon associate full feeling with outside and bathroom
      • After 2 weeks, put the puppy pad by the door, and tie a bell the puppy can reach to learn to ring when it needs to go potty
      • Be extremely consistent with puppy, take out to walk at least 4 times a day (including at night) if possible. Little puppies bladders are small!
      • If they have an accident, don’t push their noses in it and tell them no. They don’t understand. Just show them the accident while on a leash, and immediately bring them outside
      • ALWAYS give them treats whenever they display good behavior
    • VET CARE
      • Recommended take to vet within first week with stool sample
      • Puppy may need 1 more deworming and rabies vaccine
      • We use Seresto collars on all of our dogs and cats, they’re expensive but can last 7-8 months
      • If you prefer, go to your vet to get him Bravecto Chewables, needs one every 4 months
      • Rarely, a dog may show an allergic reaction to a Seresto collar. If that happens, remove immediately and go to vet for alternative treatment
      • Puppies will need claws clipped and a bath no less than every 6-8 weeks. You can get those tools for home, or you can take puppy to the groomer. We recommend Pet Whisperers Grooming at Rt 74 (Carlisle Road in Dover), they are the best
        and cheapest around. Sometimes, it can take up to 6 weeks to get an appointment, but they’re worth it. They groom our Standard Poodle, Torii.
    • EXTRAS
      • Introduce children and other pets to them supervised and a little at a time
      • Depending on the age of your children, please explain that the puppy is very gentle, but wants to play, that their claws and teeth are still very sharp at this age
      • If bathing at home, we recommend Hartz Flea shampoo
      • For carpet Stains, get a pet urine remover
      • You can also buy products such as Febreze spray on furniture, carpets and floors to remove odor
      • They may start out being unwilling to use a crate, and they may cry for several nights. Do not relent and let them in bed before they are fully housebroken! You may put the crate next to your bed or in the room with you, which may
      • Once they are older, it’s still nice to put a dog bed and some stuffed toys or chew toys in with your dog and leave the door open. Many dogs find this a comforting napping place.

    Thank you and enjoy your new family member!